Table Setting: Nature, nurture, and everything in between
This conversation was a gift. It was a deep conversation filled with trauma reckoning, exploration, and shifting. We were everywhere in connection from energy portals and past lives to the way we are changing the narrative around ‘parenting styles’ to parenting for your child’s unique needs. It was a cathartic night in which I felt wholly my self, as messy the tapestry might feel at times.
Below are the notes I jotted, and I’m very much looking forward to reading these books and learning more!
The Mother Wound by Amani Haydar
It Didn't Start With You by Mark Wolynn
Many Minds Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss MD
Re: Thinking Bringing out the good in kids - and parents - with Becky Kennedy Adam Grant
The burden of being a parent means gifts can’t come with expectations (created as a discussion around parent’s payment for child’s college education)
I thank you all for your vulnerability and allowing me to share my experience in a safe environment. This is what it’s all about!