Women in Conversation

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Table Setting: Self-Care

Key Take-aways

  1. Setting and holding boundaries are the clearest and most attainable (albeit, not easiest) way to practice self-care. This is especially true around response times and expectations with text messages!

  2. Self-love in the form of knowing one's own body and our personal preferences for touch are also a gift of self-care. I won't go into details here, but many women recommend getting a good vibrator (lelo was the one that I remember, but I know other names were thrown out) to explore what feels good to our own selves.

Books and other resources:

  1. Kasia Urbaniak Unbound. We've talked about her before in other Table Settings, but her name and book came up again around the deep conversation around Boundaries. 

  2. Emily Nagoski (sex educator and co-author of Burnout with sister Amelia) has a new podcast worth giving a listen called Come As You Are about sexual well being.

  3. Here is the sexual health series for kids:

    1. The one for little ones is It's not the Stork . Bluebird&Co. can get these I'm sure. The new edition is updated for LGBTQIA language.

    2. It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, Gender, and Sexual Health from The Family Library

  4. Pickleball is taking the world by storm.